Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ohio Schedule

I'm returning home on June 11th, which is QUICKLY approaching. Here's what we got goin' on as far as wedding appointments!

8:30 FERNBANK (might be able to get in...if we're lucky)
10:30 BONBONERIE (oh yes, I was the only one that thought cake at 10:30 was ridiculous...)

MORNING SCHWARTZ JEWELERS (going to get my wedding band picked out/made up)



*WHOOSH* add in taking my sister to concerts and seeing friends...um...when do I sleep?


  1. Tracy,
    This doesn't pertain to your Ohio visit per se, but Joe told me to post questions here on the latest entry. He said he'd ask you, but what are your plans as far as girls in the wedding party's hair? Joe said he didn't think there was going to be a certain place where we're supposed to get our hair done, but maybe a friend who would do hair for the wedding? Is this the case? I could try to do my hair myself, but you may want it more professional looking. haha.

  2. Here's another question others might wonder about for ya. Do you want your wedding presents brought to cinci or would you rather have them shipped to your house in cali? People usually don't open them until they get home anyway, right?

  3. Sorry it took me so long to respond =) I have a friend who's a professional make up artist and can do basic hair styles. However, not only is she doing my hair/make up, but she's in the wedding party as well. I'll have to see how many people she can schedule in before the wedding. Other than that, there's no special place. I can't really go to a regular hair place (with my extensions), so I didn't think of organizing a get together. My sister in law knows a few nice hair places and I can try and get some recommendations, if you'd like!

    The wedding presents would be SO much easier to go to Cali...otherwise we'll be shipping them ourselves the day after. <3

  4. ok. my mass of hair takes quite a while to do, too, so i'll try to get an appt. at the place i used to go to in high school. they're pretty good. (it's called paragon, if you've ever heard of it.)
